Monday, July 21, 2014

Caleb's Crossing

A Walk across the Sun, after Part 4

One must be original, the other a reply. Though you may not summarize, discussions of the text should show specific evidence in attention to detail and context for scenes and parts, that I can clearly see you have completed the reading. If I reply to you, you must respond. Failing to do so will invalidate the entry.

A Walk across the Sun, after Part 3

One must be original, the other a reply. Though you may not summarize, discussions of the text should show specific evidence in attention to detail and context for scenes and parts, that I can clearly see you have completed the reading. If I reply to you, you must respond. Failing to do so will invalidate the entry.

A Walk Across the Sun, after Part 2

One must be original, the other a reply. Though you may not summarize, discussions of the text should show specific evidence in attention to detail and context for scenes and parts, that I can clearly see you have completed the reading. If I reply to you, you must respond. Failing to do so will invalidate the entry.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Research Help--
I cannot respond to non Farrell emails. Post questions here, and not only can I answer them, but the alerts for the blog also go to my personal email that updates regularly on my phone.