Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fooling the Devil

"The Bad Wife"
"Bizarrone Fools the Devil"
Other relevant tales

Reminder: Faust is due Monday -- it is the first reading in the textbook. You do not have to read the prologue in heaven. You can go right to the text. It is the one by Goethe; there is another by Christopher Marlowe that you do not have to read.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Snow White

Use this forum to develop discussions from class or to start new ones in relation to the Snow White readings and articles from this week. Also, feel free to discuss other versions not mentioned. Perhaps, the newest two Snow White and the Huntsman or the character from Once Upon a Time would be interesting to check out via You Tube. If you do, share the link with your discussion.

Two posts should be completed on different days between now and Monday morning.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Greetings, Seniors!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our class blog. The theme for our class will be the art of storytelling.
This is a place where all senior honors classes will be able to exchange ideas, ask questions, continue classroom discussions, partake in debates, and, perhaps, benefit in ways that I have not anticipated. Notice the additional forum "Cyber Cafe" which is just there for cool comments, links to relevant lyrics or You Tube videos, discussions of films, etc.

The intent for this is to develop a cross-class connection, encourage meaningful discussions of literature and life, and contribute to a reading community.

Each post should not be an isolated comment but part of a discussion. As you post, I want you to consider and directly reference previous posts and class discussions. I do not want you to list or catalog your own interpretations but rather feed off one another and partake in debates and informed discussions of the texts we read and the questions about life, society, humanity, or current events that seem relevant and interesting in relation to the readings.

Please read the directions for the Summer Reading Assignment in the adjacent page before continuing.

Mrs. Fotinatos